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I have recently acquired a church along with a number of organs, keyboards and pianos. Amongst these is a Viscount CL40 in excellent condition. I have no use for any of these and so I'm looking for a good home for them. The church also includes a hug...
Mam problem z organami Viscount Chorale 3. Gdy włączysz więcej głosów, dźwięk zacznie się zatrzymywać. Cyfrowy wyświetlacz również reaguje bardzo powoli. Utrudnia to korzystanie i odtwarzanie, zwłaszcza szybkich utworów. Czy ten problem...
Hi, I have Viscount Jubilate 245 connected via midi to GO. Suddenly pedal midi stopped to connect. Both keyboards are working normally.Any ideas where to try to find the reason? Fuses I have checked and they are ok.
Check that the cable to the pedal is connected. The pedals on my Jubilate stopped working recently... that cable was OK...
I need some photos Viscount Domus 932 organ power supply & amplifier card. I have old Domus 932 and some make own or try repair that and make some new jump wire also take out some parts diode or condensator.
If I had your problem I would be looking for a circuit diagram. You can probably find one by searching on line. With thi...
My son has found that the lower 8 notes on his Jubileum 235 pedal board have stopped working (ironically, he has just returned from an Oundle for Organists course)! We have disconnected the pedal board and endeavoured to clean the contacts using a ...
I agree with you about not using sandpaper - but you need to TEST (with an ohmmeter) that the contacts are closing. I su...
Instrument was working fine this morning. This evening it's completely lifeless. I've checked the external supply and it's good. Is there an internal fuse, and can I change it (and where is it located?). Help please. I use the instrument a l...
Hello All! I'm a Master of Advanced Marketing student at Lancaster University in the UK. I'm at the leg end of my company-based thesis with a local music company called Promenade Music. Together, our goal with this research is to better understand...
I have a Domus 8 organ and all the large capacitors were leaking or had gone rusty. I have now replaced them. Before I replaced them the organ wasn't working at all, now i get sound out of the bottom Keyboard, only on Tutti, or PP, there is only ...
It would appear that your organ has been severely neglected (possibly in a damp environment) and now has multiple faults...
1: Disconnect ALL power from the organ for several minutes and then re-apply the power and test to determine if the prob...