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Instrument was working fine this morning. This evening it's completely lifeless. I've checked the external supply and it's good. Is there an internal fuse, and can I change it (and where is it located?). Help please. I use the instrument a l...
Hello All! I'm a Master of Advanced Marketing student at Lancaster University in the UK. I'm at the leg end of my company-based thesis with a local music company called Promenade Music. Together, our goal with this research is to better understand...
I have a Domus 8 organ and all the large capacitors were leaking or had gone rusty. I have now replaced them. Before I replaced them the organ wasn't working at all, now i get sound out of the bottom Keyboard, only on Tutti, or PP, there is only ...
My church has a Viscount Recitative II which is giving some trouble: some pedal notes not sounding or sounding intermittently, one drawstop staying on, other stops springing back, We don't know how old the organ is. Is it worth trying to get it repai...
Please could anyone help? I need to find a manual for the above organ as I've just joined a church where I'll be playing this instrument. I am a trained pianist and have played other organs but never this one so I'd be grateful to purchase and downlo...
The 32-note Chorum 90 pedalboard is only 4-years old. It's built w. the older technology: rubber rings pushing rubber switches. It's been repaired twice. Is there a way to upgrade it by replacing the printed circuit boards with the newer magnetic swi...
Just received a Cantorum Duo Plus with the 30 note pedalboard. Questions on Expression pedals: Where does the note naming start? Is the lowest C C0 or C1? I am assuming that expression pedal 1 is for manual 1, and 2 for manual 2. The instructions ...
I cannot tell you how to set up your expression pedals but you should note that there is no standard for the meaning of ...
Hi everyone. I bought a three manual organ in 1996, it came with the name Concerto III, but I can find out very little about this model. After many years of faithful service I have now decided to use it for Hauptwerk instead. So far I have had p...
Your organ is working correctly!! Pistons are not supposed to be recorded in midi files or directly used in midi messag...
Hi everyone! I'm an organist and multi instrumentalist from Italy. I have acquired a Viscount Domus 8 analog organ from an old church and it honestly worked great. That until suddenly some month after the purchase the swell manual stopped working ent...
Since the majority of the organ components appear to be working, your symptoms indicate that the problem could be in t...
Sorry for asking the obvious...I have a Viscount 30-note pedalboard connected to Cantorum Duo console with a midi cable. Given that all midi ports are now taken, does it mean I am no longer able to use GrandOrgue since the software needs another midi...
It would appear that your organ has been severely neglected (possibly in a damp environment) and now has multiple faults...