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Unico CLV4 : Does anyone has any idea what the message : "Sound Modules Malfuntion (3)" means ?
Hello, I bought yesterday a used organ Viscount Intercontinental M40 and I can't find it's user manual with the description of all the functions and adjustments. I'll be glad to get your help!
Hello. Two months ago, we purchased a new Viscount Chorum 40 instrument for our church. When the organist cannot be present, I replace him by playing MIDI files prepared by the organist. I play from PCfrom the eplayOrgan app.Question: can I get an XM...
I think your problems are imaginary and due to not having yet discovered how to use eplayOrgan properly. You can move th...
Hello, I purchased an Oberheim/Viscount OB3 organ module but need the power adapter (for North America) and can buy one, or if I know the voltage AND the polarity, I can buy a third party adapter.Thanks .. I think it is 10v but polarity of the power...
It seems that the ob3 needs 10 to 12 volts AC at about 1Amp. See the link below!!! https://gearspace.com/board/so-much-...
I bought a Domus Viscount Prestige VIII and I can hear a hummingnoise i guess its a transformer sound. You can hear it very clear since the organ is in my livingroom. I did not notice the sound in the showroom. In the store they told me that this i...
Who has the schematics for me?
I just purchased a Wurlitzer C300 built by Viscount in the 80’s / 90’s. The ribbon and connector for the pedalboard is broken. It looks like an easy fix if I can locate a replacement connector / ribbon. Any ideas on where I might be able to...
Thanks. I was able to contact Viscount service to determine which connector I needed. Thanks again for responding.
I am looking into effectively upgrading the old-technology stop sounds of my aged Jubilate 332 by connecting it to Hauptwerk. Has anyone else done this. Is it feasible? I am getting contradictory information as to whether stop changes are transmitted...
I have now set up Lars Palo's free Pitea MHS organ in GrandOrgue, and am staggered by the result. I thoroughly recommend...
Our church has a Viscount Prestige 20/40 organ. last night the F# key below middle C on the Great Manual stopped working ( or sometimes works if you hold it down long enough). Does anyone know someone in the vicinity of Reigate, Surrey who would ...
Thanks David. We managed to get the key working, but will definitely get the instrument properly serviced in the new ye...
How do you get pedal sustain on a Legend Solo organ. Pedal is really dry and I would be most grateful for the solution,. Thanks in advance, Duke
L.S. I recognized that the 8" Gedackt/MAN 1 and the 4" Flute/MAN 2 are real samples. Is it possible to intonated some stops in volume and/or sound of the Viscount Classic 4500 ? If so, then is there software needed and is that approachable via the...
Your Classic 4500 is an organ that is about 30 years old, first digital generation. No voicing option is possible on ind...
So after this message the organ didn't start up any more. Replacement of the motherboard didn't resolved the problem. ...