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Excessive Harmonic Activity (No replies)
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Hi all,
I have a new Viscount Sonus 359 and absolutely love it. My only dissatisfaction is that I get an excessive amount of harmonic activity on some notes. (noticeable beats). I know that I can go into the interface and reduce that in "Tuning" and then in "Ensemble" to reduce the beats, but it also reduces the character of the sound and makes it sound dull. The default number on that is 5 with a range of 0 to 9. Anything above 5 sounds really terrible. I have not heard this on any of the Viscount youtube recordings and I am wondering if this is happening only on my instrument. It stands out and is very annoying. If I use only one stop, it will not happen. It is when I begin to add other stops in and get a chorus effect that this will happen. It is particularly noticeable with high frequencies... 4', 2', mixtures, etc. It does not happen on all chords played. I wasn't sure if it had to do with my being too close to the speakers, but I have recorded music on it and gone into the next room during playback and I still hear it. Has anyone else out there experienced this?