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Jubileum 232 registration out of order (1 reply and 1 comment)
Can you clarify what you mean by you can "use the 6x6 presets, but none of the buttons has any effect."
Each of the 6 buttons, with six different sets of memories held by the bank control knob on the right, should bring a different registration (though if it has reset, they will all be the same).
If all the lights were working and now are not, then it sounds like there is a fault with the board / connector.
I've just had mine out, to replace a single blown bulb. The light is not crucial to the function of the button (but helps you know which preset you're on!).
If you can provide a bit more info happy to think through possible issues with you.
Thank you for the answer and happy new year!
I can confirm you that the six sets of six memories does give different registrations.
The first problem is that none of the bulbs lit, so I am completely unable to know what is selected or not.
The second problem is that the registration buttons (for manual I and II and pedal) have no effect at all: if I try to push up or down one of them, it does nothing on the sound.
This happened suddenly, so I wonder if it could be just a connect, wire or fuse problem.
If it's simple enough, I can try to fix it myself because my church isn't rich 🙁
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My church owns a Jubileum 232 which is completely functional except for the registrations.
I'm still able to use the 6x6 presets but none of the buttons has any effect. The lights are also missing.
Is it possible to fix it ?
Thank you in advance