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Prestige II (thumb pistons not working, light bulbs keep burning out) (1 reply)
Regarding the light bulbs - you need to check that the replacement bulbs were the correct ones for the job. That is: Do they have the correct voltage rating? This is very important.
If they are the correct bulbs then you need to check what voltage is being supplied to them - it may be too high for some reason such as faulty or incorrectly set up power supply. Bulbs which have too much voltage applied will be brighter than normal and have short lives.
Regarding your pistons it is obvious you have an intermittent bad connection - you need to disassemble the appropriate part of the organ and look for a bad contact - maybe a broken wire or bad connection in a plug or socket.
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Hi all!
I two problems with my Viscount Prestige II:
1. Light bulbs in the stops keep burning out. Last year they were replaced by a Viscount Service (in Poland). After few months some light bulbs burn out. Do you know what could cause so frequent burnout?
2. Some thumb pistons (combinations from III, II, I and 6-12 from general) don't work. It is interesting that when apply some force to that wooden board under the keyboards (where the buttons are) they just start working, but after few minutes they break again. Maybe you know where the problem is and what could I do?
Thanks for any lead.