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Unico 400 organ malfunctioning. What could be wrong??? (1 reply)
This type of fault is probably caused by a bad connection. It is probably in the wiring which connects the buttons to the organ. You need to look and perhaps move around all the plugs and sockets while continuously watching for any resulting change. Beyond that you need expert local assistance.
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Hello there, I'm a church organist from India where there is UNICO 400 organ in church. Recently the voices and other buttons started changing rapidly without anyone even touching anything, making it practically not feasible to play in services. There isn't much organ support here, so could you tell all the possible causes of this?
Also, it doesn't seem as if any (voices/memory bank/any numbered, etc.) buttons seem stuck which could cause this. Suspicions arise about all the buttons on the display panel, which we felt like if we press them harder (the buttons arent working well) it could cause some malfunction.
NOT the buttons themselves, but as if some circuit is being pushed/pressed inside, which is causing these randomly changing stops/options.