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Viscount Jubilate 332 MIDI (1 reply and 3 comments)
You need to connect the midi output of your organ, via a midi to usb adapter cable, to a PC. With midi-ox or a similar program examine the midi data sent from your organ when you open/close stops. It will probably be midi sysex events. Also check to see what other data is output e.g notes and swell.
If all this data is output from your organ then you should be able to successfully connect it to drive another organ. If you have not already got a useable copy of HW I suggest you start out by using Grand Orgue.
Thank you. That's really helpful advice. I'll give it a go, and maybe post my results back here.
I've now successfully followed your instructions, and am blown away at the significantly improved quality of the stop sounds. And that's just using the demo GrandOrgue organ. The GrandOrgue documentation is somewhat flimsy, so had to feel the way in the dark, but have got there in the end. I even like the delay through the system (not sure if this is due to processing or there is a latency setting) but it actually makes it more realistic.
My next steps are to find a three manual organ that matches my Jubilate 332 better and then to feed the audio cable back, so I can amplify the sound through the Jubilate's amplifier.
I have now set up Lars Palo's free Pitea MHS organ in GrandOrgue, and am staggered by the result. I thoroughly recommend others to do this. It has transformed my Viscount Jubilate 332. I'm happy to respond to any queries as to how to set it up.
Amplifying the sound back through the Viscount Jubilate doesn't work though. You will need headphones or a separate amp+speakers.
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I am looking into effectively upgrading the old-technology stop sounds of my aged Jubilate 332 by connecting it to Hauptwerk. Has anyone else done this. Is it feasible? I am getting contradictory information as to whether stop changes are transmitted via MIDI. If not, the exercise is a non-starter. Are there any other issues to be aware of? What are the MIDI codes? The manual is a bit thin on detail.
The organ has a "VOICE LOCAL OFF" facility.
Any information would be most welcome.