I have only recently become aware of the National Churches Trust and wondered if you too may not be aware of the help that they provide. They became known to me in the context of a place to advertise our instruments and services. So we are now listed on the online directory along other trades and professionals working in industries that serve the church community. You will find this useful list of suppliers here.
Specifically, the National Churches Trust exists to support churches, chapels and meeting houses so that they remain at the heart of the communities for which they were built and can continue to play an integral part in all our lives. The list of grants made in 2015 was published in their 2015/16 Annual Review.

Across the UK places of worship are valued for many reasons.
Where one finds spiritual solace, another finds inspirational architecture. Some churches provide poignant family memories, while others are commended for their presence in the community and the work they do in bringing local people together. As an independent charity which receives no financial support from government, the National Churches Trust remains reliant on the generosity and support of donors to carry out their work.
The National Churches Trust remains the only national, independent, non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting and supporting church buildings of historic, architectural and community value across the United Kingdom. By the end of 2012, the total of grants and loans allocated by the Trust since 1953 was in excess of £37 million, which in current prices equates to over £85 million. Grant amounts have averaged around £1.4 million annually.
So this is a small organisation that can make a large difference to projects up and down the country. We hope by joining we can play a small part through our subscription but we have also undertaken to use our social reach to bring to the attention of our customer base the existence of this charity who are clearly focussed on supporting the wider role that our church and other worship buildings play in their communities. Please share this information with your friends so the exitance and work of the trust is better known. This will help raise their funds and increase the difference they can make in communities across the UK.
I have had a passion for church organs since the tender age of 12. I own and run Viscount Organs with a close attention to the detail that musicians appreciate; and a clear understanding of the benefits of digital technology and keeping to the traditional and emotional elements of organ playing.