It is almost 8 years now since we introduced the instruments based on Viscount’s unique software-based sound engine platform ‘Physis’. We launched the instruments with version 1.04 of the software and we have had 11 revisions with version 1.14.19 being the current edition as of December 2022 .
Upgraded your Envoy, Regent or Sonus instrument yet?
Many of the improvements to the software are invisible to the player but some improvements are of considerable practical use. For example:
- You can turn the crescendo pedal off or change its function to control the volume of the great and pedal departments.
- There are now 2 available settings of tremulant speed and depth. This allows you to use a different tremulant for say the Vox Humana as would be found on many French instruments.
- The air pressure winding variations can be managed in far greater detail and with finer adjustments.
- New voices especially for baroque style organs have been added to the library.
- Divisional pistons now follow the keyboard when the keyboard inversion facility is used.
See the full list of improvements since version 1.04.
How to upgrade your instrument
To upgrade your instrument, you need to load a file into your organ using a USB pen. You can find the procedure to check your current software version and how to load the file onto your organ in this detailed instruction document.
When you are ready to upgrade, email us at and we will send you the file as an attachment. The file size is just over 32Mb so if you are not able to accept a file of this size by email we will send you a link to a dropbox folder where the file is stored.
You must use a windows based computer to download the update file. Unfortunately, Apple based computers can not be used for this transfer of file to USB pen. Check first that your instrument is running at least version 1.3.0 of the software before making any upgrade. When the organ is processing the upgrade DO NOT touch any rocker tabs or keys. The upgrade will take about 10 minutes. If in doubt please call us on 01869 247 333 for help and guidance.
This upgrade is free when you undertake the work yourself or with our telephone support. If you want a home visit then please call to arrange this with Richard Patt who will quote you a price depending upon the travelling involved.
I have had a passion for church organs since the tender age of 12. I own and run Viscount Organs with a close attention to the detail that musicians appreciate; and a clear understanding of the benefits of digital technology and keeping to the traditional and emotional elements of organ playing.
Dear David,
I have a 4 year old Vivace 30, running Version 1.24. Is there an upgrade available for this instrument and what would the benefit(s) be? Also, how would I go about doing it and how much would it cost? Grateful for your help. Andrew.
Happy New Year. I will check with Italy and get back to you. Regards David
Andrew, I can confirm that 1.24 is the most recent Vivace update. Regards David
Dear David
I have a Chorum 60 organ with the 1.1.2 version.
Is there any new upgrades for it.
I’m indecently late in replying and I apologize for that. Many thanks for checking this out for me.
I purchased new a Viscount Jubilate 232 many years ago. It does have MIDI IN/OUT so can I connect this organ to Hauptwerk software?
Thank you for your help.
The Jubilate has midi in/out for the notes but possibly no midi message for stops. You may therefore need touch screens to access all HW controls.
My Viscont DB-3 Is not responding to MIDI att all, i wonder can I reistall the driver iside the organ box?
Dear David, I have a prestige ( I )which needs upgrade how can I get the software
I do not believe the Prestige I dating from early 2000’s can be updated. But I will check for you. David
Unfortunately, there is no option to upgrade the Prestige I software.
we have a viscount Unico CL6 version 1.03, can the upgrade be done directly to version 1
From 1.03 you can update direct to the latest version. See instructions on this document.