On occasion, we have a need to divide an organ console into two sections to allow it to be placed into the customers chosen room. While the pedal boards detach as a matter of routine there are times when doors are too narrow or stairs turn through 90 degrees and the console will just not negotiate the route to the music room.
Organ delivery challenge
We have never yet been defeated by a delivery challenge. On more than one occasion it has been simpler to remove a door or even a window as the easiest means to get the instrument into place.
Sometimes however, up a spiral staircase being a classic example we have no alternative but cut the instrument up into smaller more manageable pieces. Often this is anticipated and the instrument is made in the factory so it can be taken apart for delivery.

There are times however when this has to be done after manufacture when a customer may move to a different house and then we call in local expert David Major to carry out the work in our premises.
A craftsman at work customising the organ for home use
Some customers will remember the TV quiz show ‘Whats my Line’ where unusual trades or professions mimed their job and the panel had to guess their occupation. What a pity they never asked David onto the show, I am sure he would have had them stumped!

David is a real craftsman. Doing this job after manufacture presents additional challenges as there are metal pins in the woodwork that have to be avoided by the choice of cut line. The woodwork removed by the saw has to be ‘replaced’ so the instrument when rebuilt retains its original dimensions. And of course, a number of cables have to be disconnected and marked up in anticipation of reconnection.
You will see David at work in the pictures and as you see from the final image of the reassembled instrument the quality of the work is exceptional. On this particular instrument it is not possible to hide the join so a feature was made of it.

I have had a passion for church organs since the tender age of 12. I own and run Viscount Organs with a close attention to the detail that musicians appreciate; and a clear understanding of the benefits of digital technology and keeping to the traditional and emotional elements of organ playing.
Kindly help me repair our church organ in Lusaka Zambia. New Apostolic Church.